Best Ways to Keep Your Shihpoos to Stop Barking Now

Tips and Tricks to Modify the Behavior Dog training is an essential aspect of pet ownership, and one of the Shihpoo family training goals that is not uncommon is to stop barking in Shihpoos. Barking is a natural form of communication for dogs, but excessive barking can become a problem behavior that can cause stress…

Tips and Tricks to Modify the Behavior

Dog training is an essential aspect of pet ownership, and one of the Shihpoo family training goals that is not uncommon is to stop barking in Shihpoos. Barking is a natural form of communication for dogs, but excessive barking can become a problem behavior that can cause stress and disturbance for both the dog and the owner. It’s important to understand the reasons why dogs bark and the triggers that may cause undue barking to effectively modify this behavior through training techniques.

How can I train my Shihpoo to stop barking?

To train a Shihpoo to stop excessive barking, understand the reasons for the behavior and use techniques like positive reinforcement and addressing specific triggers. Consistency and patience are key, and punishment-based methods should be avoided. Successful training can create a more peaceful home environment


This blog post aims to provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to train your Shihpoo to stop barking. We’ll start by discussing the barking behavior in dogs and the reasons behind it. We’ll then delve into preparation for training, such as setting clear goals, gaining your dog’s attention, and choosing positive reinforcement techniques.

Next, we’ll explore various training techniques, including ignoring the barking behavior, providing positive reinforcement for quiet behavior, teaching a “quiet” command, and addressing specific triggers for barking. Finally, we’ll emphasize the importance of consistency and patience throughout the training process. By the end of this post, you’ll have all the tools and knowledge you need to train your Shihpoo to stop excessive barking and create a more harmonious environment for both you and your furry companion.

Understanding Barking Behavior in Shihpoos

Understanding barking behavior in dogs is crucial for effectively training them to stop barking. Barking is a natural form of communication for dogs and can serve as a means of expressing various emotions such as excitement, fear, or territoriality. However, barking can become a problem behavior that can disturb the peace and create stress for everyone in the home (and even neighbors). It’s essential to recognize the reasons why dogs bark, as well as the triggers that may cause excessive barking. This will help you better address and modify the behavior through effective training techniques.

Barking as a Form of Communication with Family

Dogs bark for a variety of reasons, including as a form of communication, to express emotions, or to alert their owners to potential dangers or intruders. Some common reasons for barking include seeking attention, boredom, fear, anxiety, hunger, or a need to go outside. Dogs may also bark at sights, sounds, or smells that they find unfamiliar or scary.

Barking in Certain Breeds

Additionally, certain breeds of dogs, such as herding or watchdog breeds, may have a genetic tendency to bark more frequently. Most Shihpoo families appreciate that their furbaby does not howl like a hand or yap like a terrier. It’s important to recognize the specific reasons why your dog is barking in order to effectively address and modify the behavior through training.

Barking as a Form of Communication with Other Dogs

Barking can also be a form of communication between dogs. For example, dogs may bark to establish their territory or to warn other dogs of their presence. They may also bark to express excitement or happiness when greeting their owners or other dogs.

Barking for Medical Reasons

In addition, dogs may bark when they are in pain or discomfort, so it’s crucial to rule out any underlying medical conditions that may be causing the barking. Understanding the different forms of barking and their underlying reasons can help you address and modify the behavior more effectively.

It’s important to recognize the specific reasons why your dog is barking in order to effectively address and modify the behavior through training. By gaining a deeper understanding of barking behavior, you can provide your dog with a more peaceful and harmonious environment, as well as strengthen your bond with your furry companion. In the next section, we will discuss how to prepare for training and choose the most effective techniques to stop your Shihpoo from barking at the drop of a hat (or pin or anything that makes noise).

Preparation for Training to Stop Barking in Shihpoos

Before beginning training to stop your Shihpoo’s excessive barking, it’s essential to prepare yourself and your dog. The first step in preparing for training is setting clear goals. What specific behaviors do you want to modify or eliminate? You should have a specific, measurable goal in mind to keep you on track during the training process. For example, you may want to train your dog to stop barking at strangers or to stop barking when it’s time to come inside.

The next step in preparing for training is gaining your dog’s attention and focus. Positive reinforcement techniques require that the dog is focused on its owner, so you’ll need to work on building your dog’s attention span. This can be achieved through short, frequent training sessions that incorporate playtime and positive reinforcement.

Choosing positive reinforcement techniques is also crucial in preparing for training. Positive reinforcement involves rewarding your dog for desired behavior, such as being quiet or following a command. This technique is more effective and humane than punishment-based techniques, which can cause stress and anxiety in dogs. Positive reinforcement can be accomplished through treats, verbal praise, and playtime.

By setting clear goals, gaining your dog’s attention and focus, and choosing positive reinforcement techniques, you can create a positive training environment that strengthens the bond between you and your furbaby. In the next section, we will discuss effective training techniques to stop barking in your Shihpoo.

Training Techniques to Stop Barking in Shihpoos

There are several effective training techniques that can help stop your Shihpoo from excessive barking.

  1. The first technique is ignoring the barking behavior. When your dog starts barking seemingly out of control, you can try to ignore the behavior by turning your back or leaving the room. This will teach your dog that barking won’t get them the attention they seek. Only give your dog attention when they’re quiet and calm.
  2. The second technique is providing positive reinforcement for quiet behavior. Only after your Shihpoo stops barking, be sure to praise and reward them with treats or playtime. This will reinforce the quiet behavior and encourage your dog to continue being quiet in the future.
  3. Teaching a “quiet” command is another effective training technique. Start by saying “quiet” when your dog is barking, then reward them when they stop. Gradually increase the time between the command and the reward, until your dog understands that the command means to stop barking.
  4. Finally, it’s important to address specific triggers for barking. For example, if your Shihpoo barks excessively at the mailman, you can try to desensitize them by gradually exposing them to the sound of the mailman’s footsteps or the sight of the mailman from a distance. Positive reinforcement can also be used in this case by rewarding your dog for staying calm in the presence of the mailman.

By using these training techniques consistently and patiently, you can effectively modify your Shihpoo’s barking behavior. It’s important to remember that barking is a natural behavior for dogs, and excessive barking can take time and effort to modify. But with patience and positive reinforcement, you can create a more peaceful and harmonious environment for everyone within earshot.

Consistency and Patience

Consistency and patience are key when it comes to training your Shihpoo to stop barking. Barking behavior can be difficult to modify, so it’s important to stick to a consistent training routine. This means using the same training techniques every time your dog starts barking excessively. Consistency will help your dog understand what behavior is expected of them and reinforce the desired behavior.

It’s also essential to have patience when training your dog. Modifying behavior takes time and effort, and there may be setbacks along the way. It’s important to stay positive and continue using positive reinforcement techniques even if progress seems slow.

Understanding the progress of the training process is also important. It’s unlikely that your Shihpoo will stop barking overnight, and progress may be gradual. Keep track of the progress you make, and don’t get discouraged by setbacks. Remember that every dog is different and will respond to training in their own way.

Consistency and patience will pay off in the end, and you’ll be rewarded with a well-behaved and happy Shihpoo. By using positive reinforcement techniques and being patient with the training process, you can create a peaceful and harmonious environment for both you and your furry family member.

Related Questions

How can I socialize my Shihpoo to reduce barking?

To reduce barking, socialize your Shihpoo by exposing them to different people, animals, and environments. Gradually increase exposure and reward good behavior with treats and praise. Puppy classes, dog parks, and playdates are great ways to socialize.

Are there any medical reasons why my Shihpoo barks excessively?

Sustained, unexplained barking in Shihpoos may be caused by medical conditions such as pain, cognitive dysfunction, or even hearing loss. If the behavior is new or sudden, consult a veterinarian to rule out any medical issues. Additionally, certain medications or treatments may also cause excessive barking.

References and Further Reading

American Kennel Club. (2021). Training Your Dog to Stop Barking.

ASPCA. (n.d.). Barking.

Dunbar, I. (2003). Dog Behavior: Why Dogs Bark and How to Stop Them.

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